SAIP #38: Voting for GMX as LTIP Council Candidate

SAIP #38: Voting for GMX as LTIP Council Candidate

tl;dr Vote with treasury ARB in favour of GMX as LTIP Council Candidate


The Arbitrum DAO has currently voted in favor of the LTIP, the Long-Term Incentives Program, and it is now time to elect the advisors and council. Following some of the previous work done in the past with them and how vital the GMX ecosystem is to Abracadabra, I would like to propose for the Treasury ARB to be used to vote in favour of GMX as a council member.


The other candidates can be found in the Arbitrum Snapshot vote here.

Speedlane Voting: Considering the time sensitive nature of this proposal, I find important making this a Speedlaned AIP so that the DAO can cast its vote successfully before the deadline on the 24th.

Further votes for delegates can be casted following proposals templated on this.


Will go live tomorrow 16:00 CET and last 24 hours. Snapshot link can be found here.

If the proposal was to pass, Abracadabra would be voting for GMX Capital using the treasury ARBs in both snapshot and tally votes.