DutchUncle.io | Collaboration Proposal

Hi! My name is Brian.I represent Dutchuncle.io. We specialize in growth for Blockchain/Web3 Projects. Handling everything from fundraising to community growth.

The founder, FJ, has 8+ years in crypto investing and 3+ years in building DeFi projects/products. Has handled dealflow for 500+ partnerships, 50+ marketing campaigns and has raised 1M+ in funds via grants and hackathons.

Here’s the linktree of one of our projects, Elk Finance.

We would like to extend the opportunity to work together and collaborate. We can do promotional work together and community building activities. We can schedule a call to discuss options for tech integration and building products.

You can schedule a call with FJ here:

You can ask me any questions you may have or you can contact FJ in Telegram: Telegram: Contact @FiatsJudasMegaApe

Website: https://www.dutchuncle.io