Template for RFC

This is an attempt at an improved template/organization/directive as related to recent governance proposal.


Section 1: Summary/Scope:
Summarize at the best of your abilities the content of the proposal in a few lines, giving a TLDR is good practice and extremely useful for the rest of the users.

Section 2:Link to previous [DAO Discussion]: if your RFC was born from a discussion on the forum, make sure to attach it here.

Section 3: Reference: Provide links and resources for the collateral (or the implementation) you are proposing in this part of the RCF. Reference must include, but are not limited to:

  • Website
    -Documentation & Wiki
    -Market data: liquidity for borrowed asset, potential market users, total market size, market rates
    -Social links: twitter, discord, telegram, etc.

Section 4: **Main Objective of Market Proposal
-Motivation for Proposal: How does this proposal provide beneficial and sustainable opportunity for both users of the market and Abracadabra vested individuals?

Section 5: **Risk Analysis

  • Please provide a comprehensive and thoughtful analysis related to the safety of this market.

Section 6: Contracts/Technical Requirements/oracle dependencies :

Section 7: **Next Steps

  • Please report the forward looking process of how core contributors would bring RFC to a functional market. You can expect feedback and annotation from Abracadabra core contributors to be added and edited here as well.
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I like it. Definitely easy to follow and should really allow the community to get involved more. :call_me_hand: