My name is Enrique and I'm from the marketing team at Fringe Finance

Hello, Greetings!

Fringe is pleased to announce that it will be integrating the SPELL token into its Lending Platform.

Fringe Finance (ex-Bonded Finance) is DeFi lending/borrowing protocol started in 2020.

We’re about to launch V2 of the platform that will have SPELL token as both a capital and collateral asset on ETHEREUM.

:small_blue_diamond:Additional token utility - lending, borrowing, margin trading
:small_blue_diamond:Incentivizes holding
:small_blue_diamond:The opportunity for treasury capital management

:zap: Integration Announcement
:zap: Spotlight podcast/Twitter space
:zap: Community engagement

DeFi is a great achievement for humanity, we count on your collaboration. Fringe Finance DeFi For Everyone.