Add Wrapped Staked Snowbank (wsSB) as collateral to borrow MIM

Honestly SB good project :wink:

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Honestly Great Idea :heart_eyes:

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This a great ideaā€¦honestly

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Iā€™m bonding/minting SPELL on SnowbankDAOā€™s Snowdog project right now. Looks like itā€™s in the plans.

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Snowbank Treasury Balance will also earn the fee or what else on this movement? Anyway I support to this move because it will increase SB M2

It seems like this proposal is missing the actual pitch that gets the SPELL community to want to open a cauldron for Snowbank.

The motivation for the Snowbank community has been very well explained. But this proposal needs to also have a motivation for the Spell community to want to accept it.

The benefits for snowbank are clear. The community can borrow against their interest bearing token. But right now the benefits are quite one sided.

I would like to see the snowbank team come up with a solution to help our ecosystem as well.

If we open a cauldron for them and help them with IB tokens and capital efficiency, it would be well balanced to see snowbank help us as well.

Possible addition to the Proposal:

One of the major pain points for our community is that SPELL can only be staked on Ethereum and therefore is quite pricey. 0xMerlin created several SPELL -sSPELL liquidity pools across different chains including the Avalanche ecosystem.

If the Snowbank team could strengthen this liquidity through a bonding mechanism or another solution, the value proposition will be quite clear.

We can discuss a target liquidity that we want Snowbank to bond for SPELL - sSPELL before a cauldron can be made available.

Iā€™m open to suggestions, but I think taking this thread towards the aforementioned direction is our best chance to create a Proposal that will benefit both ecosystem and therefore has a good chance of passing.


ahyes please! If there ainā€™t wMemo there might be wSB

Honestly. Yes please

Yeah honestly good project, it will bring a lot of investors to spell that are not within that ecosystem yet. There is a lot of demand in the discord for this to be implemented! Be so good if you guys went through with this!

It benefits spell as some people do not use spell platform at the moment as they donā€™t need to, but if there was a option to use snowbank as collateral you would gain a lot of new money to your platform.

SB seems like a very good project. And honest.

Snowbank Pro Max, our new industry-standard platform to help protocols acquire their own liquidity, will be available in the coming weeks. We would be willing to onboard SPELL and create a SPEEL-sSPELL bond with a discounted fee level. I think this would make a lot of sense.


As a spell and SB holder i think this is a partnership worth making! :star_struck:

Yes please. Would use it instantly.

One thing tho: With TIME we see its very hard to borrow cause there is basically never any MIM left to borrowā€¦ would be great to have bigger poolsā€¦

I donā€™t see why this canā€™t happen

This is great idea that both communities can benefit from. Iā€™ve recently minted my first few Snowdogs with Spell and would definitely like to see more of this collaboration in the future.

its no for me since its its just too new and needs time to get sorted out first to see if its going to be a genuine project in a sea of rug pulls before we go there

@Unlimited_Power If sb is willing to open up sspell liquidity why the closed minded no? I think this will not only improve legitimacy for sb but show good faith amongst spell community. I think @Yeti sees the big picture here, I would go even further that alongside the sspell liquidity, it would be great to open up some nICE liquidity to support the ecosystem even further and grow a large opportunity since there currently is zero liquidity for nICE on avax. @0xWicked

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I am for it too. Letā€™s do it

my original response was flagged as spam and under review for some reason and Iā€™m not writing all of that again, But suffice it to say Iā€™m a no since the project it just too new (three weeks) and unproven for this project to divert resources and put its rep on the line for. I know SB and SDOG quite well as a recent owner of both, so ignorance of the project is not an issue here.

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We truly appreciate the support of everyone here! Jointly with Snowdog, we currently own 15% of the Avalanche MIM supply in our treasuries. Iā€™d be happy to discuss how we can help build liquidity for sSPELL/SPELL. Regarding the proposition that was formulated here, what is required to move from a discussion to a proposal?