AIP #22 - Abracadabra DAO Legal Framework: Bridging Worlds

AIP 22.3 - Abracadabra DAO Legal Framework - Swiss Association

Now that both AIP 22.1 and AIP 22.2 have passed, the DAO must execute a final vote to select the Swiss association that will act as the representative that will ultimately allow Abracadabra Money DAO to interact with centralized entities.

Based on forum discussions, two entities have emerged as suitable options to represent the DAO.

Option 1 - @tomcont - AIP #22 - Abracadabra DAO Legal Framework: Bridging Worlds - #11 by tomcont

Option 2 - @AlexDAObox AIP #22 - Abracadabra DAO Legal Framework: Bridging Worlds - #12 by AlexDAObox

In order to finalize the creation of the legal entity, the DAO must select one of the two options (and any other proposal posted in the next 24 hours).

Note: For both privacy and operational reasons, the DAO will not be required to post the name of the legal entity in the forum proposal, so long as it adheres with the agreed upon jurisdiction and template in the previous AIPs.

Further Details and Voting

Both of the posted proposals were deemed to contain sufficient details around costs, advantages, and disadvantages. Over the next 24 hours, additional proposals with similar amounts of detail will be considered by the DAO. In the event of new submissions, the above listed options will be updated accordingly. Operational costs of the association will be covered by the DAO operational treasury.

Following this period, the DAO will commence a Snapshot vote for members to vote on the final entity. The voting period will last for 72 hours.

Snapshot link will be posted here.

Future Changes in the DAO Legal Framework

In order to change the DAO Legal Framework, a new proposal must be created and a 72-hour voting period will be required. All proposals must contain a detailed explanation of the suggested changes and why they are required.

The template to be followed will be referencing AIP 22 as the main proposal. (i.e AIP 22.X - Update in DAO Legal Framework].

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